What’s So Funny? #NaBloPoMo

What's So Funny #NaBloPoMo | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
What’s so funny? That’s a question I ask a lot and most times when I realize it’s me I’m a bit surprised. I don’t walk into a situation thinking ‘I’m gonna crack them up’ most times I’m just chatting and saying the random stuff that comes to mind. I find that my humor tends to be kinda in the details of things. I see the illogical and it cracks me up, the things left of ordinary and I am busting a gut. So when anyone seems to join in on my internal fun I’m all for it!
NaBloPoMo November 2014 | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
November 19: Are you the funny one in most groups?
What kinds of things do you find funniest?
I don’t think I would ever describe myself as humorous or funny more so a bit corny. Growing up my cousins and I would come up with inside jokes that to nearly any and everyone else were not funny at all yet to us it was hilarious! I’m still that way, sprinkle a bit of sarcasm on top and most of my laughs tend to come from within. The weirdest part is when I am actually trying to be funny most people don’t get it because of the sarcasm that is usually attached. *Sorry folks – I mean no harm. So on the occasions when others join in it’s actually a lot of fun. Surprising but still fun.
I'm Best At Being Me | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
In a crowd, I’m that person who seems to get laughs and is always somewhat clueless as to why. I love that I can bring humor to situations and cheer to people but there are times I wish I could take notes on how so I can do it again when I really want to. Why? Let me explain. When I’m trying to be funny – not so much. Yet when I simply allow myself to give my honest, awkward and sometimes quirky thoughts, observations and reactions that’s when the laughs come. I guess I should just stick to what works, right?
I’m also the person who seems to miss when something truly funny has happened. Most times I’m smiling and wondering ‘what’s so funny?’


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Read This Too  No Worry – I Choose Faith #NaBloPoMo

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18 responses to “What’s So Funny? #NaBloPoMo”

  1. irkedmommy Avatar

    People always tell me that I am hilarious and I always say, "I'm not so sure about that.". I don't find myself that funny!
    My recent post Snowman Fun with Spark and Pook!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Okay – You Are HILARIOUS!! There is no confusion on that point. LOL 😀

  2. Nikki @ Niksnacks Avatar
    Nikki @ Niksnacks

    I think I'm a RIOT and I'm always cracking jokes about something. Everything, really. I think I'm funny all of the time. I mean, I'm so funny, the Lord gave me TWO hams. Leg one and Leg two. 😉
    My recent post Biscoff Crusted Chicken + Waffles

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hey nothing wrong with acknowledging your humor! LOL…2 hams…ROTFL 😀

  3. Lubna Naz Avatar
    Lubna Naz

    I love being funny, because it keeps me fresh. Well no one can be all funny everytime. There is time when we can be sad, quite and serious.
    My recent post 23 Amazing Innovations That Made Our Lives Much More Easier

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I do to Lubna! You’re right though, it can be hard keeping that up all the time.

  4. Louidam1 Avatar

    I think I can be a bit funny around my friends and family. Laughter is good for the soul.
    My recent post Black Friday Sales Predictions 2014 #BlackFriday

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It definitely is. A good dose of laughter can make any day better.

  5. kkr1130 Avatar

    I feel like you and I are similar in this sense. People laugh when I tell stories or make certain comments and I have no idea why! I've never thought I was THAT funny 😛

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! That’s exactly how I feel 🙂 LOL

  6. ciasays Avatar

    You're naturally funny. That is a great thing. BTW I LOVE Teen Titans (guilty pleasure) lol!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks…I always find my jokes corny but hey if they make someone laugh besides me – total bonus!

      Teen Titans is a favorite for my entire family. It\’s so sad I can reference just about anything to one of the episodes…LOL

  7. susanmahlburg Avatar

    My toddler is obsessed with people being "funny" or "silly". She laughs at the humorous moments, and then stops her laughter to comment that she finds herself hilarious for laughing in such a manner.
    My recent post Sephora Collection: Rose Mask

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So Cute Susan!! I love that she even comments on who funny she is…adorable!

  8. Sarah Avatar

    Laughter is always the right medicine!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I agree 100% Sarah 🙂

  9. veepeejay Avatar

    I don't think I'm the funny one either but somehow I ended up playing that role lol. Glad I'm not alone.
    My recent post Gifts That Give Back – Volunteering At North Texas Food Bank

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Ditto. God help us if we get together…we’ll probably just look at each other (you be funny, no you…lol) 😀

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