When Blogging For Free Makes Sense

When Blogging For Free Makes Sense | TheMrsTee.com

I know what you’re thinking: Blogging For Free?!? Why would I want to choose to blog for free. Getting something for free is awesome. Giving it – not so much. Still. Hear me out because believe it or not there are times when blogging for free makes sense.

I remember as a teen trying my start in a new venture and feeling like no one was willing to give me a chance or the fee I knew I deserved. People would see my age and assume I didn’t have to dedication, qualifications or ability to make myself worth their investment. That’s when one of my mentors told me to “Fake It ‘Til You Make It”.

Excuse Me? I knew what I was doing so there was nothing to fake. Yet as they went on the explain the longer version of their advice I started to get it. People like their money. It’s true. So when you are looking for someone to exchange the money they’ve worked hard for sometimes you need to prove your worth it. Your value.

Instead of walking out the door with a price tag over my head I started offering my knowledge for free. Yup. You read it right. Free. Once I started blogging, and wanted to pursue things beyond my URL I realized this advice could still apply.

Establish Your Expertise


You know something others may not on a topic they may need. You want to make this something others come to know as your expertise.

How do you go from someone with an opinion like anyone else to someone with a knowledge worth investing in?

You share it. Repeatedly. In many places – for free.

I know. You wanna get the value you know your expertise is worth. Yet creating a reputation for that knowledge will increase that value substantially.


Bloggers who know me, know I love to share knowledge – knowledge to helps others grow, learn and get things done. Those Bloggers, tell other Bloggers who place value on the know-how that will make placing a monetary value on it easier and at times – expected.


I established my expertise in blogging tips and my unique know-how by creating useful and easy to apply content which showcased that knowledge.

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Free resources for Bloggers looking for topic specific advice, guides, tricks and tips. Bloggers told bloggers how they learned a new trick, plugin or step. Word spread. My reputation became established.


I have been able to create a business based on my experience which now offers income in exchange for in depth knowledge, tips and guides to help take other Bloggers beyond their URL and into their own dreams made reality.

My reputation has become my biggest selling point.

Establish Value


You are one blogger among many but you know you have the creativity and unique viewpoint meant to stand out.

How do you give your content the platform it needs to shine among others?

Offer content with high value to show what your potential truly is. Show off your unique your, viewpoint and quality by placing it among the masses as often as you can. This may mean reviewing, supporting and promoting events, places and people at no charge – in other words: free!

Create your own opportunities and others will see, take notice and create new ones for you.


I very rarely cold pitch. Most of my opportunities are presented because of valuable content displayed across multiple platforms at no initial charge.


I review a restaurant, experience or event offered to me as a Blogger with the same effort I would one I set a monetary value on. Other places, people or venues see it, reach notice it’s quality, apply the value they see it deserves and offer me future paid opportunities.


I have received new paid opportunities based on the free exposure I offered and the notice it earned.

Establish Connections


You’re new to this BlogLife. You want to make new friends, connections and possible partners in your push for success. Yet those VIP Invitations just haven’t made it to your InBox yet.

Instead of waiting on the invite you make it your business to be there. You are present, noticeable and make a lasting impression.


My city has so many amazing events and places to have fun whether as a family, woman or entrepreneur. If the event interests me – I go. I don’t always wait for someone in charge to reach out to me. I purchase my ticket, make the drive or clear my calendar and make sure I’m there.

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Once there, I make sure I find, interact and connect with the people who made the event possible. I tweeted, Instagrammed (I swear spell check needs to know that’s a word by now) and promoted naturally and authentically.


I attend a lot of events locally but when I first started it wasn’t because they all saw me as the Blogger to meet. It was because I made it a point to be there. Attending because I truly wanted to allowed organizers and promoters alike to see my true passion for what I do and want to put it to action for themselves.


I’ve established true friendships and connections with local businesses, PR Reps and Event Organizers who know if they want someone who truly cares about spreading the word for our city then I’m the one to contact and my content has value.

Don’t Misunderstand

I believe that Bloggers and what we do has value. We have an impact like no other form of marketing or promotion can. We can relate to, interact with and support the businesses we work for in a person way that others can’t. That in itself is valuable.

So when I say blogging for free can be good it’s not saying you should give away your talent. Instead, use your talent to make room for you within the market you are targeting. Once you’ve done that it will be easy for brands, businesses and others to stop seeing your work as an expense and begin to see it as an investment.

When Blogging For Free Makes Sense | TheMrsTee.com

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7 responses to “When Blogging For Free Makes Sense”

  1. Danielle Avatar

    I love just to blog to blog. It’s so fun and different!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      That’s a perfectly good reason to blog Danielle! Making it an income source isn’t for everyone and that’s okay.

  2. Becca Talbot Avatar

    This post is really interesting – a lot of posts look at “how to make money from your blog” blah blah, but never really consider why some people, like myself, don’t monetize or charge for blogging. My site is like a diary, and as such, I’m not here to make money – i want to look back at my site in years to come and read my posts, and remember all the fun I had travelling x

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Becca! That is also a great perspective. Sometimes you simply want to write and share for the sake of doing it – nothing more. That’s okay and still deserves respect.

  3. EscapeWriters Avatar

    Every day number of bloggers increase so it’s your unique viewpoint and creativity which makes you a unique. Your article is so true and eye-opening.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      So true. Thank you so much!

  4. Marcie Avatar

    What an eye opening post! Now, it makes perfect sense how giving away information actually builds your reputation as an expert. Great thinking!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Marcie! I know it’s not a perspective many think of but it can be a great way to establish yourself in the beginning.

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