When The Kiddies Are Away…

When The Kiddies Are Away... | TheMrsTee.com
When The Kiddies Are Away…Momma gets to play. This year is the first time in 9 years that I have NO Kiddies at home during the day. None. Not one. This Momma gets a full 6 hours to do – whatever I want.
So how do I make the most of those 6 hours? What do I do? Most days it starts with an entire cup of coffee with no reheats needed. I get to finish it all the first time around. Mom’s of the world you know how it feels to make that perfect morning cup of coffee just to have it sit as you wipe a nose, fix a snack or read a book. You go to take a sip and it’s ice cold. I think I’ve had the same cup visit the microwave at least 5 times. Not anymore though. Now  I get to sit, read, watch tv and simply drink  – The Whole Cup!
Next up is a shower. Yes folks it’s the simple things. Except as a Mom you probably know that a shower isn’t as simple as some may think. You’ve been there. You get in, set the water and as soon as you get a lather – wait. did they just call me? You spend the next 10-15 minutes of your shower turning the water on and off to trying to hear if one of your Kiddies is calling you. I finally get a full shower without wondering if I just heard my name. I can soak in the heat and simply BE.
Okay so this next thing. This is something I haven’t been able to do on a daily in so long. Get dressed. Like all the way dressed. Not sweats or leggings (okay sometimes but you get what I’m saying…lol) to stay ready for kiddie spills activity or accidents. A complete outfit. You know that look that makes you feel AND look cute! Yup. I get to put on real clothes and shoes! Shoes that aren’t flip flops or flats. It’s amazing how much this can mean. Like I am a Mom and I now get the chance to actually wear clothes and be presentable for the entire world!
Speaking of the world. I now have the luxury of stepping out into the world to run errands – All. By. Myself. I can stroll through the stores, look around with no worries about who went to the bathroom before we left, who’s feet hurt or who’s gonna be ready to go 10 minutes after I get there. I have time. Time and freedom and I’m gonna use it!
After errands I can go for lunch. You read that right. Eat.. I get to eat out now without spending $50 for 3 kids meals. Just a 1 person big people meal for $10 or less. I’m not eating Kiddie leftovers, scarps or fruit slices. I have salads, sandwiches and all the food I love. Oh and I get to sit and eat it – at a table. I don’t have to shove it in my mouth as I drive to my cranky Kiddies home for the nap they probably needed 2 hours ago. Instead I get to taste every bite and actually enjoy the moment – alone.
After lunch I can come home to my still clean house – because you know: No Kiddies. I get to relax a bit, work a bit, lounge a bit, catch up on my shows- just do me until pick up time – by this time I’m missing my Kiddies and ready for pick up ! Still this is the New & Improved me. The daytime me who gets to play when her Kiddies are away and I’m loving every bit of her!

How do you play when your kiddies are away?


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26 responses to “When The Kiddies Are Away…”

  1. Karlaroundtheworld Avatar

    The smallest things being taken for granted can instantly become luxuries once you become a parent. No one needs to be a parent to feel that!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      So true Karla!! You\’re right 🙂

  2. Rosey Avatar

    food not in a rush? Can that even be a thing??? 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha!! I know right…it’s rare but it can happen (I think…lol) 😉

  3. Shaney Maharaj Avatar
    Shaney Maharaj

    One word: SLEEP. When I traveled to New York recently, I caught up on sleep. Aaah it felt so good. I came back refreshed and ready to take on the world.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Aaah yes Shaney…sleep. It’s so elusive at times but getting the chance to catch up on it is always a blessing!

  4. Rose Ann Sales Avatar
    Rose Ann Sales

    I can't relate but I know that I will experience this when I became a mom. I saw that on my sister in law.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’m sure you will….it’s definitely a great moment when it happens 😉

  5. Nicole Escat Avatar
    Nicole Escat

    Hahaha, lol on this post! It is really hard to find time for yourself! But I make sure that I can take a bath every day!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha… It really can be Nicole! I’m so happy you make that time for yourself…for me my favorite time is a mani/pedi… 🙂

  6. Nicole Etolen Avatar
    Nicole Etolen

    I enjoyed your post, this is wonderful. Having a me-time is a must-have for me!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much Nicole!

  7. Rose Pingol Avatar
    Rose Pingol

    This reminds me so much when my kids are small. I literally have no time for myself, even to comb my hair!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha…I definitely remember those days.

  8. Annemarie LeBlanc Avatar

    I am into this pseudo empty nest stage and I get to enjoy more "no kiddies" moments. What do I do with the time? I usually sleep in. I enjoy my coffee. I get to watch whatever I want on TV. I take a long bath and since I don't have to cook dinner, I sleep in. 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You are right where I am. I do about the same stuff…it\’s blissful 🙂

  9. webmdiva Avatar

    I totally remember when my youngest started school all day! Enjoy the you time!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wasn’t it amazing??? Thanks…I am 🙂

  10. Elizabeth O. Avatar
    Elizabeth O.

    Me time is more often these days now that the kids are all grown up. But I sure did enjoy those free hours when they were younger. I would often catch up with my favorite shows or catch up on my reading or just do what I feel like doing for the day. I

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It’s so lovely. That few hours of simply being yourself…I love catching up on my DVR shows 🙂 Thanks so much Elizabeth and thanks for the awesome comment 🙂

  11. Travel Blogger Avatar

    My daughter started school last year and then we had another baby, so five more years before I experience this! lol

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! It’ll come faster than you think… 🙂

  12. beingawordsmith Avatar

    Congratulations Tiffany on your new daytime freedom! Ha! I love when my son gets on the school bus at 7:00 am. The rest of the day is mine.This year, I don't even have to change out of my pajamas because the bus stop is in front of our house. I make sure he has everything and kick him out. Praise God! I know people who say they can't go to a restaurant and eat alone. Whaaaattt?! I can! It's so peaceful. Enjoy, girl.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks so much!! I\’ve been enjoying it – perhaps a bit too much. I am now trying to find a balance between free time and work…LOL

  13. uncheshire wife Avatar
    uncheshire wife

    I have a teenager so I m used to having free time, going out for lunch is one of my most favourite times. The hours fly by so make the most of them. x

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I remember the days..my oldest is 19 but then we had a 10 year gap…so it\’s been too long. I am definitely enjoying every moment 🙂

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