#WhereToBeSociety Vision Board Party | Recap

#WhereToBeSociety Vision Board Party RECAP | TheMrsTee.com
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Vision. A pretty simple word with an equally simple definition.

  • : the ability to see : sight or eyesight

  • : something that you imagine : a picture that you see in your mind

  • : something that you see or dream especially as part of a religious or supernatural experience

Vision is all about seeing. Taking your ideas, dreams and wishes and giving them a tangible way to keep them in your sight. So when I heard about the #WhereToBeSociety hosting a Vision Board Party to help us all come together and bring those desires we have for our lives and our businesses together in a visual representation I knew I wanted to be a part.

I have often created a digital Vision Board where I would compile images, words, quotes and ideas that I wanted to inspire me and keep them as my screensaver or wallpaper to be a constant reminder of where I want to be. Yet to have one where I actually select each part from different magazines and glue them to an actual board? I knew this would be something that could give me an entirely new motivation!



The #WhereToBeSociety is a Facebook group started by Jen from JenOni.com and Essense of EssenseHeel.com. These two amazing women came together to create a place where women of like minded determination can not only support each other but stay ‘in the know’ for the latest events in the TriAngle Area (Raleigh, Durham, Cary & Chapel Hill). I joined because even though the TriAngle area may be bit of a drive for me I knew I wanted to be a part of something that not only offered fun get togethers and opportunities for networking but a support system of women destined for greatness!

Read This Too  Connections | #BlogHer16

So that’s enough from me…here is my Vlog from this weekend and the amazing #WhereToBeSociety Vision Board Party:



Have you ever created a Vision Board?

What is the main theme of your Vision for 2016?

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