Winter Woes – Spring Dreams


Let’s just say I (like many…many others) have had my fill of this Polar Vortex, Snowmageddon, SnoMG…All of the Above!  I. Am. Done.

When we moved from New York City to the South I thought I was leaving my snow days behind me.  Well this little Winter Weather episode certainly did prove me wrong.  Not only did we have A Snow Day we had almost 14 of them!  As of this week my Kiddies have been to school maybe 2 whole days in a row.  Before this it was delays, early releases and closings.

Now don’t get me wrong, I understand why they call delays and closings at the very thought (ok I get the logic but it is still a bit funny to me) of severe, hazardous or inclement weather.  I do. The buses have to drive, the school needs to heat, etc.

Still, having 4 Kiddies in-house for over 3 days…No Words.  There are truly only so many activities you can find before their boredom and your sanity start to overtake each other.  Where you want to close your door and hide when you hear them screaming (at the top of their lungs) that there is “Nothing To Do!”

So, I would like to request Spring to make an appearance fast and in a hurry.  Luckily today I am seeing glimpses of it.  We have sunny skies and the chill has left the air.  I can release the Kiddies to the yard and not worry about their noses getting frost bitten.  I can sit on my porch and not worry about being blown away.  Please let things days stay so that I can let go of my Winter Woes and see my Spring Dreams become a well welcomed reality.

Read This Too  Summer Reads, Candy, Sparkle & Glitter! | #SunshineSwapBox REVEAL

How did you survive the Woes of Winter?

What activities or distractions did you use to keep your Kiddies calm and your nerves still?

What are you dreaming of doing once Spring arrives?

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10 responses to “Winter Woes – Spring Dreams”

  1. Joey Avatar

    Me too! Thankfully we just had a day of 50+ degrees with bright sunshine. I know it was just one day, but it helps to know that the winter weather won't be forever. There's only so much sled riding a person can do!

    Wishing you lots of normal school days!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn’t it lovely? I’m stillfloating from our 68 degree day today 😀

  2. Ann Avatar

    I've been watching all this weather from California for the most part. But it has affected me as well; been doing a lot of traveling back & forth to visit my sick parents in Texas. There have been so many flights cancelled & re-routed that trying to plan travel has been crazy.
    But I have to say–I'm a thin-blooded California Girl through and through, and as pretty as some of the pictures I've seen are, I have no plans to see all that snow in person. Good luck til the weather gets better!
    My recent post Bittersweet Treats in Pasadena

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Lucky Lucky You! 😀 Oh yes, I’m sure traveling during all this craziness must have been ridiculous. I hope your parents feel better and that the weather breaks all over so we can say goodbye to the snow and hello to the spring. Today feels like a teaser, we had 68 degrees and lots of sun…it was lovely! 😀

  3. Cyndi Avatar

    I am totally with you! I'm in Chicago and we are DONE with winter, this is the first Saturday in 2 months it hasn't snowed! Bring on Spring!
    My recent post Double Chocolate Cherry Brownies

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Whoa! 2 months! I don’t think I could’ve handled that! I would have to escape somewhere…LOL

  4. Rebecca Avatar

    Oooohhh I SO hear ya sista! In Minnesota we have had many, many snow days and we are used to tons of snow! We always joke that it takes darn near an apocalypse for schools to close in our area and we have had at least 7 snow days this year so far. Here's to hoping Spring comes SOON!
    My recent post My Computer Completely DIED-But I am Still Very Grateful

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Now they want my Kiddies togo to school on Saturdays to make up for all the snow days…let’s just say I have some not so happy campers with that plan… 😀

  5. Hutch Avatar

    I wish I could commiserate with you! I have much respect for those who lives in the snow laden states! Seriously, you guys are tough! You're welcome to come visit us in southern California! #SITSblogging
    My recent post The Crazy Tummy Lady

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Trust me I would love to visit CA…even if for a week. It looks beautiful. Maybe someday 😉

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