#WordlessWednesday – Goose Says What?

So I had a bit of a Momma Day this week and took a little stroll through Kohl’s as I left I drove up on what I was fearful could be a dead or dying Goose but just when I was going to get out to check (probably not the best idea) it poked it’s head up and looked right at me.  What did I do?  What any Blogger would..grabbed my phone sand snapped a pic!

#WordlessWednesday Duck Say What


As I took my picture I watch some lady come speeding towards the Goose and it didn’t even budge.  She swerved in time (partly because I was screaming out my window) but the Goose stayed just like this through it all.

Have you come upon a resident of nature not quite in their element?

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34 responses to “#WordlessWednesday – Goose Says What?”

  1. irkedmommy Avatar

    Geese scare the crap out of me. I had a traumatic experience with a goose when I was younger!
    My recent post Almost Wordless Wednesday…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’ve actually never been that close to one but this one acted like I was in his space!

  2. mom254321 Avatar

    Brave goose! 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Seriously! LOL 🙂

  3. feedmedearly Avatar

    Haha, that's what I'd have done too – take a picture! 🙂
    My recent post Return to the lake house

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yup, my Blogger was showing…LOL 😉

  4. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    Back home in IL there was this old mean goose who would settle on a park bench in front of the Hallmark store. Our Hallmark store was located in a strip mall! They put caution tape around the bench, so nobody would disturb her. She was a grumpy little goose.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow! Now THAT is funny…it must be a character trait for them to silly expect us to work around them…LOL

  5. posh Avatar

    We've got geese living in the parking lot of our local Target.
    My recent post Plus Sized Spring Tops for Women

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Maybe they wanna shop just like us? LOL 😉

  6. kyooty Avatar

    my guess is he/she is probably taking a break after flying North? They are plentiful herethis time of year, but also like to "show their stuff" to the local Gaggle of Girly Geese.
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday, Spring Melt =Critter Counts!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Perhaps…I see them so often I\’m not sure what seasons they come or go for…LOL

      1. kyooty Avatar

        That could be. I think they stick around out west.

        My recent post Wordless Wednesday, Spring Melt =Critter Counts!

  7. Cathy Kennedy Avatar
    Cathy Kennedy

    Oh definitely, but what puzzles me is when I see Seagulls in our area. Tennessee isn't near an ocean, so I guess they are drawn here by our lakes. So weird, though. There are some real idiots behind the wheel, no doubt texting or talking on the phone while driving.
    My recent post #WordlessWednesday: Historic Home #a2zchallenge

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’ve seen seagulls in parking lots as well! I always think the same thing…why aren’t you near ummm…the sea? LOL

      1. kyooty Avatar

        Garbage, and they are also protected in some parts of the world for their ability to eat compostable garbage from landfills. gross I know, but less landfill is a good thing.
        My recent post Wordless Wednesday, Spring Melt =Critter Counts!

  8. Merlinda Avatar

    He still looks majesctic tho.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You\’re right. He is definitely owning that parking space. 🙂

  9. Ai Sakura Avatar

    Such a tame one this is!
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday {linky}: Family Obento Ideas – 和風明太子パスタ Japanese-Style Mentaiko Pasta | Week 15

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I know! No fear at all 🙂

  10. Dara Avatar

    My in-laws have geese where they live and it never ceases to amaze me how unfazed they are by our presence! I've never seen anyone hit them or bother them in any way, so whatever they're doing is working, lol! 🙂
    My recent post #WordlessWednesday: Relax.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They are all over the place down here but in the oddest places. They seem to like malls ands hopping center a lot! 😀

  11. YAM Avatar

    Hari OM
    Oh dear – possibly been hit before? Nice shot for the day though! YAM xx
    My recent post Me-Now-Views; Less Speak More Peek

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I hope not! Thanks and thanks for coming by…

  12. @BTaC_blog Avatar

    Animals really scare me when they're not doing what they're supposed to do. I wouldn't go near a goose that wasn't going to run even from a car! I once thought I was going to have to wrestle a doe because it took several steps toward my toddler daughter instead of running away.

    You're a brave lady. Hope the Kohl's goose made it!
    My recent post Little Gram's Bowl

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hahah! Exactly…I don\’t think shopping center parking lots qualify as a natural habitat. LOL Oh know! I thought they always run… 😮

  13. Karren Haller Avatar

    Oh I wish those geese would find better places to rest…………we see the same thing with ducks where I live.
    My recent post What I Made Yesterday Wordless Wednesday

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think the buildings and such are taking over and they are being pushed out…so sad and so odd to see them this way.

  14. stevebethere Avatar

    Well it could have posed properly for you, perhaps it was gandering 😉
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday (on a Tuesday) – You Got Mail

  15. Crafty Spices Avatar
    Crafty Spices

    In some places Goose are are actually protected by the law, if you hit them you can spend some time in jail. I think they are all aware of it and just take their time at everything. LOL…
    My recent post Fun Vehicles Wordless Wednesday Hop87

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Wow! I guess that woman didn\’t know that…but the goose sure did 😉

  16. tbellkindred Avatar

    Wow, this goose must have a death wish! Glad you saved it from a speeding shopper! Have a great week. Teresa from NanaHood

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I thought so too! LOL That or it had nerves of steel! 😀

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