#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} OH! Christmas…



Which do you prefer? Real or Artificial?

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43 responses to “#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} OH! Christmas…”

  1. Jessica Avatar

    We got our 'trees' up. One little and one big. My fave time of year as the kids get so excited.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I’ve always wanted to do that! Like a mini tree for the Kiddies rooms…

      Christmas is so festive! I love it 🙂

  2. Gabriel Avatar

    Hi! I'm coming up with a post in which I feature Christmas trees from my visitors, called 'Christmas around the world'. Would you like to contribute with yours? Please check my blog for instructions. Thanks!
    My recent post WW#312 – Send me a picture of your Christmas tree!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Sure! That sounds like a really cool idea! I\’ll check it first thing…

  3. Sonya Avatar

    We always have a fake tree. I'm afraid of bugs and I'm scared that I would get a tree with some creepy bug inside and of course it would come out when my husband is not home. So I stick to fake ones. We keep it sealed up in the garage, but my husband still inspects it for bugs before bringing it inside the house.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…I used to be afraid of that but I have NEVER found a bug yet! Apparently it\’s really unlikely according to every Tree Guy I\’ve asked (at least 8) and my Hubby…LOL I do my own inspection but so far so good! 😀

  4. deannalw Avatar

    Growing up we always had fake trees. I love the smell of real trees though.
    My entry is #37. Come by and vote for us 1 last time?
    My recent post IAMS SO GOOD #GIVEAWAY

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes…I think it\’s the smell that gets me too! It fills the entire home 🙂

  5. upliftingfam Avatar

    We have an artificial tree that is already pre-strung with lights. 🙂
    My recent post Christmas Gift Guide – Enter to Win $175 Holiday Cash #vBHolidayCash2013

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Those seem really great. No stringing required 🙂

  6. dramaqueensmum Avatar

    So much fun getting the tree. Growing up I always had a fake tree. I've only had a real tree once or twice. I want to get a real tree for my daughter to experience picking 1 out & the scent & all. But this year we will be doing our fake tree.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I guess it really depends on what you prefer. We\’ve had both bit only out of necessity. I honestly have fallen in love with real ones now.

  7. @poshonabudget Avatar

    We are faking it this year

    My recent post Schnucks Ad Deals, Coupon Match Ups

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Easy clean up for sure 🙂

  8. @orangeheromama Avatar

    We have a fake tree…that I'm desperately trying to keep our big kitten out of!!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh wow!! I guess at least it can\’t eat a fake tree… Lol

  9. Judy Haughton-James Avatar

    Such a wonderful time of the year! Christmas trees and decorations certainly help to lift one's spirit. Thanks for hosting.
    My recent post My Big Poinsettia – Wordless Wednesday Linky

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! I love decorating….it truly helps usher in the Spirit of the Season… 🙂

  10. Tony McGurk Avatar
    Tony McGurk

    Poor little thing cut down in it's prime. We don't celebrate xmas anymore but when we did we had a fake look-a-like plastic tree. I remember when we were kids we always had a real pine tree then somewhere along the way Mum & Dad got this horrible silver tinsel kinda tree. It was awful but we had to endure it for years until we grew up & left home…
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday – Poodle Biker

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…aaah the silver tinsel! I didn\’t live with my Mom but I remember one year going there and she had a bright fuschia tree…I think I was traumatized…LOL

  11. @MommaTBlog Avatar

    Love this! I prefer real but I haven't had a real tree since I was a kid! Maybe next year!

  12. Danielle Royalegacy Avatar
    Danielle Royalegacy

    We once got our Christmas tree this early, and we kept is soaked outside in water for a week. Really made it last longer.
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday with Linky – Roasting Marshmallows Over the Advent Wreath – December 4, 2013

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hmmm…good idea! I water ours like 3x a day but that sounds like it would work too.

  13. Rea Avatar

    We always have the artificial one. I don't even know where to find a real Christmas tree in my country but it would really be nice to try it even just once. 🙂
    My recent post This is My December…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I had artificial until I got married. I love real ones. The smell is amazing.

  14. Crafty Spices Avatar
    Crafty Spices

    Never had a real one for Christmas here…
    happy Holidays !!
    My recent post Handmade Gift for our 12 Sweets of Christmas!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I love them!!! Thanks for coming by 🙂

  15. Penny Avatar

    we've had a artificial the last 3 years but next year I want to do real…nothing beats that smell!
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday…Traditions!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes!!! It fills the whole house…I Love It!

  16. Theresa Avatar

    Only fake in our house. I'm too lazy to to upkeep on a real tree lol.
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday~ Elf Lunch

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It does take a lot of up keep but I love the real ones 🙂

  17. Patricia Avatar

    I prefer real…. and had one forever, but the last 3 years have "converted" to artificial out of necessity. Tks for hosting.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I\’ve had both off and on out of necessity as well but I must say I prefer real 🙂 Thank you for LinkingUp!

  18. stevebethere Avatar

    I have artificial real ones are too much hard work heheh!

    Have a festivetastic week 😉
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday – Addiction

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Let\’s just say my vacuum stays active during the Holday…LOL 😉

  19. Mystery Case Avatar
    Mystery Case

    We don't have much choice, so artificial here. I would love a real tree one year.
    My recent post DAY FOUR | Twelve Mystery Prizes in December Wordless

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      A tree is better than no tree 🙂 Maybe you\’ll get a chance to have one soon…

  20. Amber Avatar

    I have an Artificial but I would love to try a real one some day! I have never had a real tree.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      They have a clean up factor but the smell and the fullness potential is so worth it! I love them! 🙂

  21. Tammi Avatar

    Artificial all the way here, less of a mess to clean up! 😉

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      that is a bonus when selecting artificial…I\’ve already vacuumed at least 3 times…LOL

  22. The Vanilla Housewife Avatar
    The Vanilla Housewife

    We've always had plastic Christmas trees only because there's not a real one within a thousand mile radius 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I had artificial my entire childhood. My Hubby always had real. He told me I didn\’t know what I was missing. I think they both have Pros and Cons. When we were in Hawaii we had artificial because we couldn\’t find a nice real one.

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