#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} – Waiting My Turn

THIS is what happens in a house with 4 Kiddies

when your the youngest and you’re simply…

Waiting My Turn


You fall asleep while waiting to get a turn at choosing a TV Show…

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48 responses to “#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} – Waiting My Turn”

  1. posh Avatar

    I can somewhat relate……
    My recent post Womens Plus Size Spring Break Wear

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I think we have all fallen asleep at least once trying to wait for a show…LOL 🙂

  2. mommyoftwo331 Avatar

    Aww that's too cute!
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday {almost}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks and thanks for coming by 🙂

  3. Lisa Avatar

    Awww. Poor tired baby. I used to fall asleep waiting for my show too. Now I don't get much tv time. Lol
    My recent post Time For A Cuppa: Easy Pizza

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes, he was probably tired anyway…the waiting just brought on an early nap LOL I fall asleep waiting for my shows to start … 😀

  4. Michelle @ MK2SAHM Avatar

    Aw so sweet!
    I've done that before! 🙂
    Thanks for stopping by and linking up!

    My recent post Wordless Wednesday: Valentine's Day Chocolate (With Linky)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! It\’s always fun to LinkUp for #WordlessWednesday 🙂

  5. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    I remember waiting for the TV… I still do sometimes…
    Thanks for the linky!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Me too but it\’s usually while my Hubby watches cartoons… LOL Thank goodness for my Apps and Hulu!

  6. Cathy Kennedy Avatar
    Cathy Kennedy

    Hmm, your link up didn't display the correct image for some reason. I'm #15, but you see #14 is the same. That's weird. Anywho, that's the down fall of waiting your turn to pick something on TV – you may fall asleep first! lol Happy WW!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That\’s odd, it seems to be fine through InLinkz.

      Exactly! HIs need for a nap outweighed his need to watch his show 😀

      1. Cathy Kennedy Avatar
        Cathy Kennedy

        Call me crazy, but it now is ok. May InLinkz was doing something weird not my brain! 😀
        My recent post Wordless Wednesday: Graveyard Fields

        1. MrsTee Avatar

          No, someone else just said the same thing. I messaged InLinkz just in case. Thanks for letting me know it fixed itself though 🙂

  7. Diana Avatar
    1. MrsTee Avatar

      At this moment! Trust he knows how to work his cuteness for his benefits when he really wants to…LOL

  8. NYC Single Mom Avatar
    NYC Single Mom

    Aww, poor guy, got give him first choice sometimes

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I do, this was just one of those cute moments when his patience didn\’t outweigh his sleepiness … 😉

  9. Tickles & Tots Avatar

    Hi Tiffany,

    Ha, that is too funny. I have three children and it is so funny listening to them negotiate with one another over who gets to watch tv (when they get tv time). I usually have to step in if they cannot agree. My 4 yr. old usually wins over the older two. Thank you so much for following me, I appreciate it. Visiting from SITS! Take care.
    My recent post Valentine’s Day Date Night Ideas!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Aaah yes! The negotiations. Those happen so often and they make promises to each other…this was probably in the midst of his older sister telling him her show was almost over! 😀

  10. mom254321 Avatar

    That's how it is at our house too!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It\’s good to know I\’m not alone… 🙂

  11. Claire Avatar

    Aww sweet, bless 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank you…and thanks for coming by!

  12. thatstoocute Avatar

    Awww, poor baby! You should switch so next time he gets the turn that he missed. 🙂
    Visiting from SITS
    My recent post Too Cute for Words: Kisses!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. It\’s been worse on him since we have ha so many snow days and the older siblings are home. 😉

  13. Tricia Adams Avatar

    Awww, poor kid. Maybe it should go in order of who can stay awake longest 😉

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Lol! That sounds like a great option 🙂 But those pic may prove he might not gain on those terms either…LOL

  14. comfortcoutureblog Avatar

    Poor little guy. Does he ever get a chance to choose a t.v. show? 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I know. Yes Momma let\’s him pick his shows on the tablet when the others are watching TV 😉

  15. Tami Avatar

    Aw! I was the youngest! I can relate! 🙂
    Found you through SITS!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Tami!! I was raised as an only child but I feel his struggle 🙂

  16. Alissa Apel Avatar

    Poor kiddo. That happens with me. I fall asleep before the news all the time.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! I guess the power of the remote can be an fair struggle too 🙂

  17. cookiesandclogs Avatar

    I'm the youngest so I can, sadly, relate all too well to this 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I sneak and give him extra time here and there. He\’s so patient. 🙂

  18. perfecttenn Avatar

    LOL, this makes me remember when I was younger and watching tv with my brothers. Fortunately now, my husband doesn't watch much tv, so I never have to wait my turn. I'm sure once our kid[s] get older, I will be waiting my turn!

    Stopping by to share some #commentlove from #SITSBlogging!
    My recent post Ultimate Chewy Gooey Chocolate Chip Cookies

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh yes! The Momma struggle never ends with so many Kiddies home. Thank goodness for my Apps Netflix and Hulu …LOL

  19. stevebethere Avatar

    Aww! cute heheh!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks…always great to have you come by to visit 🙂

  20. Tonya Avatar

    Bless his heart! Maybe he'll get first dibbs on the remote tomorrow? 🙂

    I'm visiting you from The SITS Comment Love Party. Have a great week!
    My recent post How to Start a Special Needs Ministry

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi Tonya! It\’s supposed to be by age but I think I may give him a break during our snow days 🙂 Thanks for coming by…!

  21. Ana Lynn Amelio Avatar
    Ana Lynn Amelio

    🙂 I wasn't privileged to have siblings but I do wait my turn on TV… between my mom and my kids I rarely get to watch what I'd want, and by the time my show finally rolls around I'm half way in LaLa Land

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…It was so funny because he came in with the remote and said \”I\’m waiting my turn\” about 15 minutes later it was snoozeville 😀

  22. Light and Life Avatar

    Awww! Poor kiddo! It's Tina from Amanda's Books and More. God bless!
    My recent post New Shower, New Header and More!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…It happens all the time too 😀 Thanks for coming by!

  23. kristimaloney Avatar

    Oh, I'm sure he had a much needed rest and will get to chose first next time! 🙂 Have a great week!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      He did need the nap but the rule is age order so he is always last…maybe I will switch up for his sake 🙂

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