#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} – Winter? Is That You?


For a while now I’ve been wondering if Winter was gonna pass us by….

I think it’s here!

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20 responses to “#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} – Winter? Is That You?”

  1. Cathy Kennedy Avatar
    Cathy Kennedy

    I have no fear that winter will eventually show itself. I'm enjoying what warm weather we can get right now. It would be fun to see just a wee bit of snow for Christmas, though. The only time of the year that I actually want the white stuff. lol Merry Christmas!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I know! We rarely get a full on snow down here but this is probably this only time I would want to see it…Merry Christmas 😀

  2. indah nuria savitri Avatar

    I miss the snow….watching if fall from my window gives me such a peaceful feeling :)…Happy winter…and cheers from Indonesia…
    My recent post WW: Sunrise sunrise…(with linky)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I miss it too! LMBO…we very rarely get any actual snow…Tons of frost and slush type stuff but not much if any snow… wow! Hi there in Indonesia! 🙂 Happy Winter & Holidays!

  3. @MommaTBlog Avatar

    Oh wow, looks like my windshield from this morning! lol
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday: #Christmas #Crafts

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! It takes me like 20 mins of warming my car up to defrost it..LOL

  4. Crafty Spices Avatar
    Crafty Spices

    No skipping winter for you!!!
    It's nice to see snow ones in a while.
    Have a great day !
    My recent post Birthday Wordless Wednesday Hop71

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That\’s actually frost which is probably as close to snow as we\’ll get this year…LOL. We are supposed to hit 70 next week! 😉

  5. Karen Avatar

    Yep, that there is winter, I'm sure of it. I actually wouldn't have minded if it had skipped us. I love the snow, it is beautiful, but I am getting so I can't take the cold. And I can't stand driving on the stuff.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Whelp lucky for me I only see the frost during the early morning hours…the rest of the day is more like a really crisp fall day 🙂

  6. Theresa Avatar

    Yep, I'm pretty sure that looks like winter right there!
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday ~ My Girl

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It did! too bad it was gone by noon…LOL 😉

  7. dedivahdeals Avatar

    Yes, it has arrived but guess what – next week's temps are supposed to be in the 60's … bye bye Frosty!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I Know! same thing here…no white Christmas for us! 🙂

  8. Diana Avatar

    Ahaha! You can't even tell, the windows are so covered in ice!
    My recent post Watching the Sunrise on the Beach

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I know…that was my car…it took like 20 minutes to defrost! LOL

  9. stevebethere Avatar

    Going by that I would say definitely LOL

    Have an icetastic week 😉
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday – Chillaxing With Rudolph

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! Funny part…it was gone by Noon :/ lol

  10. Feed Me Dearly Avatar
    Feed Me Dearly

    Here for us too, one glorious day of white snow, and now gray snow for weeks. It was fun while the pretty stuff lasted!
    My recent post Santa visit + an Old Navy giveaway

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      well we didn\’t get snow just frost but same here… it was pretty while it lasted 🙂

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