#WordlessWednesday – House of Blues Style

WordlessWednesday | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com

During my trip to Disney we saw so many cool and creative pieces of art and sites. One of the first places we went was to the House of Blues for dinner and that was where we saw this amazing wall art featured many of the most famous Singers and Musicians.

WordlessWednesday - House of Blues Style {W/Link} | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
House of Blues – Downtown Disney – Nighttime
WordlessWednesday - House of Blues Style {W/Link} | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
House of Blues – Wall of Fame
WordlessWednesday - House of Blues Style {W/Link} | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
The Blues Brothers
WordlessWednesday - House of Blues Style {W/Link} | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
James Brown – The Godfather of Soul
WordlessWednesday - House of Blues Style {W/Link} | MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter.com
Stevie Wonder

I ended up with nearly 1,000 photos by the end of our Disney Vacation.

How many photos do you take during a vacation?

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2014 Wordless Wednesday

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34 responses to “#WordlessWednesday – House of Blues Style”

  1. startraci Avatar

    That wall is fabulous! I hope I can see it one day.
    My recent post What’s Happening Wednesday #41

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was south a great thing to see. I hope you can too 🙂

  2. deliberatemom Avatar

    That House of Jazz Wall of Fame is so cool!

    Wow – that's a lot of photos! I usually end up with 300-400. I try really hard to look through and delete photos each day of a vacation but sometimes I'm too scared to delete them!

    Wishing you well.
    My recent post I Didn’t Get To Say Goodbye

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was so cool!!

      Funny part that was how many I had AFTER deleting along the way 😉

  3. buddhalablog Avatar

    So cool!
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!
    My recent post Skylands Botanical Garden

  4. xmasdolly Avatar

    I live just west of Chicago where our House of Blues is and I've never been there 🙁 I've seen it on TV that's about it. It's really awesome and you got some great pics there! Thanks for sharing!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I had never been before either but I\’m so had we had the chance to go. 🙂

  5. Patrick Avatar

    Very nice. I need to head there next time I am down that way.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      definitely It was so munch tuna nd the food was great too 🙂

  6. Cathy Kennedy Avatar
    Cathy Kennedy

    A 1000 photos, you say. Wow, that's a lot of pictures to sort through. How many wound up in the trash can? lol I'm not very good with weeding my photos out, like I should, but I do it somewhat. Great fun photos for #WW!
    My recent post WW: Waiting to come out

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes Cathy! I surprised myself with that one…LOL I didn\’t trash any because if I took it and it was blurred or whatever I just deleted it on the spot. So that nearly 1000 are all here to stay 🙂

  7. Colleen Avatar

    I totally missed the House of Blues on my Disney World trip! Wish I hadn't–Looks so cool… and now I'm hungry for barbecue (that's the problem staying up this late past dinnertime)
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday (Woof)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Definitely worth getting there the next time around. Yes I always end up hungry when I read food blogs on an empty stomach…LOL Thanks for coming by Colleen 🙂

  8. tbellkindred Avatar

    Totally green with envy! Would love to take my grandchildren there someday! So glad you had fun!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It is such a perfect trip for all ages!! I hope you get to soon.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was. Thanks for coming by 🙂

  9. Leslie Avatar

    What a cool place to visit. I want to start seeking out places that aren't a terribly long drive, being as if I don't fly (I'm scared to flu alone) to visit for the weekend. I think it'll be a lot of fun. Happy Tuesday!
    My recent post The Beautiful 2015 BMW 328i

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Leslie! It really was fun and even though the drive was a bit long it was totally worth it 😀 I hope you find a place to visit soon …

  10. rhondaalbom Avatar

    i had to laugh that the Blues Brothers made the wall of fame.
    My recent post Announcing Albom Adventures – Goodbye Laugh Quotes

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…so did I! That\’s kinda why I took that photo.. 😀

  11. Tammi Avatar

    I regret not eating there last time we were there – next time!!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes, you should Tammi! The food was amazing…

  12. @mommysummers Avatar

    Looks like such a great time! Can't wait to head on our next family vacation! If only we could decide when & where!
    My recent post Cabbage. Blogilates. Iron.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It really was so much fun. A great way to start our vacation. Aren\’t family vacations the best? 🙂

  13. Teresa @ Crafty Wife Avatar

    Love the House of Blues! And the food there is delicious. I take about 500 pictures a day while at Disney…so I always come home with a ridiculous amount. haha I still haven't gone through all of them from our trip in June! 😀
    My recent post DIY Framed Picture Display

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      500 a Day?!?! I was slacking then LOL I did have t empty my camera to my hard drive a few times though. I expect to take even more next time.

  14. Janine Huldie Avatar

    We are totally hoping to do Disney next year now and just seeing some of your photos here made me excited to think about it!! 🙂
    My recent post Emma’s Day Out At American Girl Doll Store & More in NYC

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oooh!! You\’re going to have SO much fun!! Check out my MrsTee In Disney for a few tips and such… 🙂

  15. stevebethere Avatar

    Brilliant I love those sort of places interesting too 😉

    Have a disneytastic week 😉
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday On A Tuesday – The Boss

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was really cool!! You too 🙂

  16. Merlinda Avatar

    My dream place to visit and yes I wouldve have as much photographs too me thinks =) #ww

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I\’m already trying to get back! I was shocked I didn\’t even realize I was taking so many 😉 Thanks for coming by Merlinda!

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