So today was the first Date Hubby and I have had in months. Since the Teenager started college it is so difficult to have any time that is just for us because we don’t readily leave our Kiddies with anyone and life is just a bit crazy at times. Yet today we had one! It may not have been at date night but for me I say Yay for dates whether they happen in the day or night as long as they happen.
The first thing we did was head to our favorite late breakfast spot IHOP… why? Because they serve breakfast all day of course! We had our plates full and the conversation was flowing. It has been so long since we had a chance to talk – really talk – without a call to rescue, discipline or simply listen to some little person’s woes.
After breakfast we headed over to get the Hubby’s truck inspected. I know it may not seem like an ideal date time activity but honestly just being together was awesome and we spend the 20 minute wait chatting about what movie we wanted to see once we were done.
We decided to check out one of the movies I’ve been drooling over for a bit now and headed to get our tickets for Dracula The Untold Story. After getting our tickets, popcorn, nachos and drink we settled in to the lunch seats (it was our first time at a new theater and definitely not our last) and got ready to watch.
I was not disappointed by the movie and love the new twist to the story of Dracula which just happen to be one of our favorites. Even though our date day was not too long it was just the right amount of ‘us’ time we were in need of to reconnect and refresh our spark a bit.
Focusing on life alone is never a good recipe for a marriage. You must ALWAYS take the time, day or night, to make a date with you mate priority. I know I always will
Here are a few pics of my Date Day/Night look taken by the Hubby who can always capture my ‘good’ side LOL
- The ‘Dirt’ on Dirty Whiskey Craft Cocktail Bar – August 6, 2021
- I Never Went To Prom – Will A Fashion Show Do? – May 1, 2021
- Cape Fear Regional Theatre – Best In The House – May 1, 2021
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