You Went To BlogHer . . . Now What?!?!

You Went To BlogHer . . . Now What?!?! |
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You Did It! You went to your first, second or third BlogHer Conference. You’re home and trying to wrap your head around all that happened. The new friendships, connections, networking, brands –  all of it. Yet How? You went to BlogHer . . . Now What ? ! ? !

#BlogHer17 was my third BlogHer Conference and I am still awed by the recovery mode I’m in when I return home each time. First there’s the realization that you are no longer surround by the one set of people who get this Blog thing you love so much. Then you have to try to go back to being Employee, Mom, Wife, Friend, etc. When in reality all you really want to do is lock yourself in a room and apply all you’ve learned, connect with everyone you met and try to make the most of the networking opportunities you walked away with.

To help you avoid this hermit existence, I’m going to share with you my Now What for the week or so after attending a BlogHer Conference.

Take A Day To Breathe

That’s right. Breathe. Don’t try to jump right back in to things. Just be for at least a day. Have a cup of coffee, watch a favorite show. Decompress. You’ve just come back to reality after 3-4 days of non-stop going, learning and connecting. Give you body and brain a bit of time to come down from the high.


Thank goodness for this bit of bright orange awesomeness from @BreadandBadger ? I won this beauty for filling up my #Networking Sticker Challenge during the #ExpoHall and it’s helping make this first Monday after #BlogHer17 rock like just a #unicorn on a skateboard!! ? Bonus: these mugs are sandblasted with original art from handmade stencils. That means the design is forever!! ? #GotItFree #BreadandBadger #Sandblasted #OriginalArt #Coffee #CaffeineRequired #CoffeeNeeded #CoffeeAddict #Caffeinated #ButFirstCoffee #BlogHer #BlogConference #BlogConferences #Blog #Blogger #BlogLife #NCBlogger #LifestyleBlogger #TheMrsTee

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Write It Down

Once you’ve recovered get those words out! If you’re anything like me, you have tons of photos, notes and memories and now is the time to share them. BlogHer loves Recaps and once you get your’s done don’t forget to share, share, share. Once you do that, head over to the Official Going To BlogHer Facebook Group, drop the link and then start supporting all the other Recaps that everyone is writing.


I promise every Conference recap or reflection post I read is different. Every person has a different perspective and experience. It’s so fun to read what one person took away from BlogHer and how they choose to express it. I’ve seen posts that are mostly pictures, others that are full of what they learned and others that focus on the connections made. Each one is so fun to read and takes me right back to the moments I loved the most from one of my favorite Conferences.
Here are a few I’ve had a chance to read so far . . .


• Arlene of Unashamedly Me – BlogHer17 Orlando, FL •
• Fatima of Off The Potomac – A Recap For Those Who Have Never Been To A Conference Before •

• Taylor of The Millenial Sprinkle –

Read This Too  I Met Carla Hall Ya’ll ! | #BlogHer17 Day 2

6 Surefire Ways To Stand Out At Any Conference Or Networking Event •


• Hanna Elizabeth –  My Top 5 Takeaways From BlogHer17 •
• Farrah Lynn – I Got My Life At BlogHer17 •
• Nancy of One Crazy Mommma •

Check Your InBox

Remember all those booths and tables you stopped by during the Expo Hall? Well they remember you and 9 out of 10 they are reaching out. So be sure to check your InBox as well as your SPAM box. Brands and Companies will be sending follow-up emails, affiliate invitations, surveys and more!  Oh and don’t just check your email. I received a few messages through both my Facebook and Instagram messages so be sure to check there too!
 Once you start receiving those coveted Brand emails be sure to respond in a timely fashion. If you spoke with them directly during the Expo Hall be sure to mention something you did during your interaction. Remind them why you are unique, memorable and the blog they need to work with! Sell Your Brand!


If you have a few Brands you would like to hear from but aren’t sure you made their radar. Check out the BlogHer App for their contact information. There’s no rule that says you can’t make first contact BUT do your research! No the Brand, their purpose and a bit about that they may want from you as a Blogger. Then write that pitch letter! The worse they can say is No.

Reach Out & Re-Connect!

 All those business cards you collected throughout the conference – go through them! Stop by their blogs, read a bit, get to know the Blog behind the Blogger you met. Take the time to comment or send an email just saying ‘Hi’ and letting them know where you met. Maybe even reference a memory you shared during the Conference.


No it’s not creepy. Trust me. It’s actually really great to hear from someone you spent time with at the Conference. I’ve already received a few messages and was not only pleasantly surprised but flattered. BlogHer for me has always been about the connections I’ve made to other Bloggers that have lasted far beyond the Close Out Party . . .


Read This Too  It Still Feels UnReal | #BlogHer16 VOTY Awards

You Went To BlogHer . . . Now What?!?! |

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12 responses to “You Went To BlogHer . . . Now What?!?!”

  1. Aileen Adalid Avatar
    Aileen Adalid

    Great tips and totally needed to read this!I love your advice about taking a day to simply relax. And your tips could apply to any blogging conference so thank you very much for sharing your insight!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Aileen!! Yes! These tips don’t apply to Blog Conference only – any Conference takes time to return back to your ‘norm’ and these tips can definitely help with that. Thanks so much and thanks for coming by!

  2. JenellBStewart Avatar

    Blogger conferences are so exciting and eventful. I love being surrounded by different bloggers and sharing ideas. It’s always nice to look back at notes and pictures from the conference, but it can be the struggle trying to process all the information, get through business cards and send those follow-up emails. Thank you for these helpful tips!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      They really are Jenell!! I think the thing I love most about a conference is to be around people just like me – same passions and same goals. But yes it can be difficult to process all you come back with so I am happy to share a few tips I’ve learned. Thanks so much for coming by!

  3. roch Avatar

    Taking notes or keeping a microdiary will help. With so many photos, it’s hard to remember about everything that happened. Learning from other people’s experiences from BlogHer will be a fun read.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Yes! I tend to record and take notes in an app on my phone. It makes for quick and easy access plus I can get quotes straight. Thanks so much and thanks for coming by!

  4. Jen Avatar

    Oh my gosh! I love BlogHer. I didn’t get to go this year but I went the last two years. I was even a VOTY honoree in 2015 which was a proud moment for me and my blog. I think your tips could apply to any blogging conference so thank you for sharing your insight!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Haha!! Cool!! 2015 was my very first – in NYC – it was awesome!! Thanks so much and thanks for coming by! Maybe I’ll see you next year 😉

  5. Fatima Avatar

    Great tips! I’m struggling getting through these business cards because there was so much mom and house work waiting for me to do at home. I have company staying with me this weekend and all I want to do is lock myself in my room like you said. Lol Thanks for sharing my photos recap.

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Girl!! I had one designated pouch for all business cards. I’ve been getting through them in batches – maybe 8 to 10 a day. I have family coming for the weekend tomorrow so I’m in crunch mode because I know I probably won’t get much of anything done while they’re here…LOL Good Luck in everything you do! You’re so welcome and thanks for coming by!

  6. Arlene Avatar

    I love this and totally needed to read this! You captured exactly what I was feeling. I came home knowing I had a hard deadline for 2 projects in my 9 to 5 this week and all I want to do is work on my blog. Hate when work gets in the way of life lol jk…….kinda!

    1. TheMrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Arlene!! It’s a real thing – BlogHer Hangover…LOL Hopefully you’ll get a chance to do everything soon. 😉

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