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Ever have that moment when the stars align to give you exactly what you need – when you need it? Thanks to Cape Fear Regional Theatre that’s exactly the moment I had this weekend.

My plan was to bring a friend of mine to hang out with me for a girls’ night out but then plans changed. First, my friend finished her day later than expected, and then my hubby got off work earlier than expected. Two small changes which meant I got to have a much needed yet completely unplanned date night – it was perfect!

My Hubby isn’t exactly the let’s catch a musical kinda guy. He’ll take in a good movie (preferably action) and dinner but theatre – a musical at that – not so much. Yet when I told him about Under The Stars I was shocked to hear him say he was willing to tag along. I mean I’m sure part of it was my aaah-MAY-zing company but I think he was also intrigued when I told this wouldn’t be the typical musical.

The idea of Cabaret Under The Stars is to bring together everyone’s favorite songs and characters and a few of our favorite CFRT cast members for a night of entertainment. I knew it would be the perfect ‘baby step‘ into musical theatre for my action movie-loving man. Add in the fact that it was outside, and we didn’t need to worry about crowds, and I was winning before we even stepped foot into the lot.

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As Mary Kate (Burke—artistic Director) introduced each song and cast member, I felt like I was flashing back to my childhood of watching musicals and singing along with nearly every song. I promise I tried not to let my voice outshine that of the cast, but it wasn’t easy! I mean, I knew the words to nearly every song—okay, maybe not all the words, but the important ones anyway!

Favorites like ‘I Put A Spell On You‘ from Hocus Pocus, ‘Into The Unknown’ from Frozen Frozen 2 (if it weren’t for my mask someone would’ve heard me belting this out for sure), ‘Shallows‘ from A Star Is Born, and even ‘The Room Where It Happens‘ from Hamilton – yep HAMILTON!

Marc, Lee, Greg, Megan, and Brian did such an awesome job bringing not only each song but each character to life – even without the props and costumes. Through every note sang I immediately found myself in the moment of the song, the movie, and the character it represented.

Oh and Marc, Lee, Greg, Megan, and Brian – those are the cast members and musical director – I left feeling so much like I got to know them I feel completely normal addressing them by their first name!

Here’s your chance to get to know them too. Take a look at my favorite moments from the night and then be sure to grab your tickets because CFRT has done something kinda awesome – CFRT has extended the show!



Don’t worry, you haven’t missed out. The show extension means you get 6 more chances to have the stars align just for you. So go on, warm up your singing voice because I promise you’ll feel like joining in on the fun!

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